Reflexology is based on the concept that the entire body is reflected on the face, feet, ears, hands and scalp. The practitioner applies pressure or touch using the thumb, fingers and hand techniques on a client during a reflexology treatment. Reflexology is a natural health therapy that helps bring the body back into balance by stimulating the release of endorphins. During a treatment, the client’s body releases tension to increase mobility and reduce stress.


Reiki is based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy into the patient through gentle hand movements. Reiki is a natural health therapy that helps bring the body back into balance by guiding healthy energy flow. During a treatment, the client’s body becomes relaxed, reducing anxiety and stress on the body. The practitioner hovers or places their hands over each of the seven chakra areas of the client’s body.

Facial Reflexology

At the beginning of the treatment, the practitioner places a warm, wet towel on the client’s face to free the face. The towel helps to remove any makeup and soften the skin for treatment since lotion is not used during this treatment. The treatment begins with some relaxation areas on the client’s eyes, ears, jaw, and skull. The practitioner then focuses on some facial reflex points for toning on the client’s face. Next, the treatment is on the different body systems located on the facial reflexes on the client’s body. During this part of the treatment, the practitioner uses pressure-point massage to increase movement in the face and skull. The practitioner then performs facial rejuvenation movements on the client’s face to help promote inner well-being and relaxation. Lastly, the client can have the practitioner perform natural facelift techniques during the treatment. These techniques can help fight signs of ageing (working on reducing wrinkles), help to keep facial muscles toned and produce a healthy skin glow

Foot Reflexology

 At the beginning of the treatment, the practitioner looks over the client’s feet for any areas of concern, such as open cuts or scars. Then, a baby wipe is used to clean the client’s feet for the treatment. During the relaxation routine, the practitioner uses lotion on the feet and accesses the mobility of the client’s feet. Throughout the treatment, the practitioner applies lotion as needed to the feet. Next, the treatment is on the different body systems located on the right foot reflexes on the client’s body. During this part of the treatment, the practitioner uses pressure-point massage to increase movement in the right foot. The practitioner then treats the different body systems located on the left foot reflexes on the client’s body. During the treatment, the practitioner works on any issues/conditions within the client’s body to help relieve pain or discomfort. The practitioner uses craniosacral techniques on the toe areas of both feet to increase mobility in the toes. Lastly, the treatment ends with a relaxation routine to help bring the client’s body into a state of relaxation.

Hand Reflexology

At the beginning of the treatment, the practitioner looks over the client’s hands for any areas of concern, such as open cuts or scars. During the relaxation routine, the practitioner uses lotion on the arms/hands and accesses the mobility of the client’s arms/hands. The practitioner applies lotion as needed to the arms/hands throughout the treatment. Next, the treatment is on the different body systems located on the right arm/hand reflexes on the client’s body. During this part of the treatment, the practitioner uses pressure-point massage to increase the right arm/hand movement. The practitioner then treats the different body systems located on the left arm/hand reflexes on the client’s body. During the treatment, the practitioner works on any issues/conditions within the client’s body to help relieve pain or discomfort

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